The Richardsons have done it again!  "Now featuring truly interactive web graphics with kinemages running in "magelet", a Java applet implementation of Mage. Some of these windows are "kinemages" (kinetic images). To rotate in 3-D, drag slowly with the mouse. To identify a point, click on it; to measure a distance, click on each end point."  In our humble way, the Kunkel Lab is promoting the use of this JAVA Applet for plotting of non-molecular 3-D data.

Periplaneta follicle, proton flux vectors
view the kin file


Stereo Periplaneta follicle
view the kin file

For the moment the only directions I can offer to implement this Applet in your own HTML is to go to the Richardson Annonymous FTP site and download all of their JAVA program class files into an appropriate directory at your website and use one of their magelet HTMLs or this bb95.html as your model for the HTML script. Then you must use one of the kin files such as this bb95.kin or bb95s.kin or one of Richardson's kin files that work as a model. Any kin file will not work with the applet. The applet has not yet been developed to the point where it can deal with all the intricacies of a standard kin file and it has special properties of its own such as the ability to preset stereo on in the kin file.
Page modified from Richardson by JG Kunkel
Last Update: 2000/04/12.